Learning English is not something that I had thought would be very popular in San Antonio Palopo, after all, many of the people, especially the older ones, speak limited Spanish and are often illiterate. Their mother tongue is Kaqchiquel (pronounced catchikell). But how wrong I was. I have been pleasantly surprised with the numbers arriving at the Centro door for lessons. To date, I’ve taught ten lessons, and with twenty lessons left before I leave on April 30, what a wonderful experience it is turning out to be. I teach for an hour and a bit every week night at 6PM. There is palpable enthusiasm among the students, who range in age from 8 to about 48. My first class consisted of 9 students, for the second there were 19, and for the third, it was standing room only. The average, after two weeks, is about 17 students. I’m teaching conversational English – often simply things that they ask me to teach them, and things that I feel would benefit them in their daily work and lives. Julian, whose rooms we rent for the Social Centre, is one of my keenest students. This is handy, as he has the keys! I see him most days outside of the lesson times, and he always tries to greet me in a different salutation in English. Luciano (the colectivo driver) comes when he can as well. He was delighted to learn: “Are you ready? OK, let’s go!” I have no doubt these words will be heard by tourists arriving in Panajachel anytime soon. A wonderful side-effect of teaching English is that it has improved my Spanish. This week I am pricing an 8 x 4 whiteboard, as it would be a useful addition to the English classes, and to all the classes that are held in the centre.
The English lessons are but a small part of my experience in San Antonio Palopo. Last Sunday night, I sat in on the Directivo's Board meeting. They're a group of local volunteers who oversee the running of the Social Centre. Yesterday, I spent a couple of hours at the basico school, helping to fix some of the computers that were non-functional. The days are full and varied, and always interesting.

On Saturdays, it’s a lively time at the centre, when the nine-to-thirteen-year-olds appear on the scene. Yesterday they were making fabric art pieces out of scrap material. There’s much hilarity as they dive into the mound of fabric on the floor, searching for the perfect piece for their artistry. Sadly, many of their pictures are of the terrible mudslides that so recently changed this little town forever.
I had hoped to be blogging more regularly, but somehow the days are so full, that by the time the English lessons are over, the tropical tiredness sets in, and, well, you know how it goes.
Hasta pronto .... Tricia
Hi Tricia. LOve your article. Thanks for sharing. John Edgel has gone back home but we communicate regularly. Keep up the good work....JOhan at www.JaltembaJalapeno.com