Here’s what they have accomplished so far:
With the help of funds sent by ICOatitlan friends, they have installed a pumping system to pump water from the lake and large tanks holding water treated with chlorine. Four doctors are now working at the San Antonio health clinic (as opposed to a half-time doctor they had before the disaster). Our team was able to meet their urgent request for medicines.
San Antonio is a village of weavers. Women traditionally weave on a simple belt loom, while men weave on foot looms. As well as having their houses destroyed, many weavers lost their looms. ICOatitlan is replacing these looms (the municipality is lending a large space to house them), as well as a sewing machine lost in the slide.
The families who lost their homes are currently living in temporary rooms; some are with extended family and some are in rented rooms. It'll be a long time before homes are re-built.Suitable land must be found and bought. ICOatitlan has helped make life more livable by providing each family with a portable gas-fuelled cooker, and has also provided mattresses for many of the families. Urgent funds are needed for ICOatitlan to continue in a supporting role. To donate to this initiative, please go to this LINK and indicate that your donation is for the Guatemalan projects. No matter how small, 100% of the donation goes to the donor's choice of ICO initiative.
Registered Canadian Charity BN/Registration Number: 871126249RR0001
Registered Canadian Charity BN/Registration Number: 871126249RR0001
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