Fortunately, as of October 2020, there are no COVID cases in the small village of San Antonio Palopó. However, the government mandated lock-down has been devastating for most families, who are now without an income. The La Casita Learning Centre (Centro de Aprendizaje la Casita) continues to be a hub of learning and support for all ages in the small community of San Antonio Palopó.
Despite the closure of the schools in March due to COVID, Evelyn, the new teacher-coordinator and her part-time assistant Lidya are working with small groups of children (masked and distanced as much as possible) who come to La Casita for reading or learning assistance.
Food Security
A new initiative to combat hunger in the community has been an increased emphasis on growing food. In San Antonio, which is built on a steep hillside, there is little agricultural land. The families coming to receive food through the food distribution program are encouraged to grow food and, if they show interest, are given seeds and advice.
Food Distribution
Equipo La Casita - staff, scholarship students, and volunteers - have responded to this crisis over the last eight months with a food distribution program for 200 of the neediest families. They meet every week to plan, order, and package-up, much needed staples.
Mostly mothers come to La Casita to pick up their food, bundle it up, and pack it home, balanced on their heads and smiles under those masks.
The Ancianas
For the last several years, La Casita has hosted a twice-weekly lunch and social time for the Ancianas – 25 frail, elderly women. Since March, volunteers have delivered their lunches in conjunction with the food distribution program. However, in October, the Ancianas were delighted to return to La Casita for their hot lunches..
It’s hard to express our gratitude – not only from our little team of Canadian volunteers, but from the many, many young people and families receiving the benefit of our donor’s generous support. Thank You!