Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Letter from Mary

December 1st, 2018

Dear Friends,
It is once again that time of  year, when I want to let all you wonderful supporters know how your contributions have been put to work in the little pueblo of San Antonio Palopó. It’s been a great year, with the learning centre/library expanding, our group of ancianas thriving, and a couple of new and exciting initiatives starting up.

Last December two supporters of our project left Victoria with suitcases full of library books, (thanks to Russell Books for their generous discount!). They were received with joy and gratitude; the books in the learning centre /library now total 895 – a significant increase from when we started out two years ago with 300 books!

Yesenia, the resourceful young learning centre coordinator, and her assistant Lidya, work closely with the principals and teachers of the two schools to ensure that the kids who need help the most receive learning assistance. This year, to reach more junior high students, they put together a small mobile library that one of them carries to the junior high each week, along with games and activities to help inspire the students to read. It is difficult for us Canadian readers to imagine a culture where children grow up without seeing a book other than the odd textbook at school. The impact of the learning centre/library – with its invitation to come in and either receive help with their work, or just choose a book and read – is amazing. Many of these children have never travelled even across the lake to other villages, and these books are their windows to the world. 

This year, we decided to tackle a problem that is endemic in most Mayan towns in Guatemala – the lack of jobs for young adults graduating from high school. Candelaria and Gregorio, the amazingly creative and dedicated couple who oversee the programs, designed a course for recent grads to help them with the skills they needed in order to find a job. This very motivated group of young adults, after their initial training, decided that the best way to find jobs was to create them! They are now, with the help of MAGA, an outreach program of the Guatemalan government, launching a mushroom-raising business. But the long-term vision of the group is to start a café – something currently missing in San Antonio – entirely run by youth. They have researched it, and are in the process of designing a business plan and finding a location. MAGA is now training them in the cooking skills and business skills they’ll need for this venture. We’re feeling very excited that this group of 15 highly-motivated young people (18-25) are finding their feet in the world of business, and becoming leaders in developing their community.

Meanwhile, the group of 25 ancianas (elderly widows), chosen because they are the poorest and most isolated in the village, come for lunch and activities twice a week. Last summer, Melina Castro, a young UVic sociology student, chose to do her co-op term at the Casita. She worked with the kids in the learning centre, and also with the ancianas, visiting them in their homes and talking about their lives. Melina reported to us that the home of one anciana was so small that she had to sit outside the door to talk to her – there was only room for one tiny bed. For these women, the chance to have a hearty meal, an opportunity to socialize and to participate in activities twice a week is a life-changer.

And in between all of these activities, other programs go on in our busy Casita:
·      Groups of adults meet twice a week for literacy courses. Olivia, their teacher (also one of our university scholarship students) is teaching them to use the sewing machines at the same time as they are learning to read and write in Spanish.
·      Our 7 scholarship students help out in a variety of ways in the casita: working in the garden (which produces some of the food for the lunches), helping prepare and serve lunches to the ancianas, and helping in the learning centre.
·      A group of very disabled children receive weekly language therapy, provided by therapists funded by another organization.
·      We continue to follow up with the stove program – the replacement of open-hearth fires by clean-burning stoves – checking the installed stoves, seeing what replacement parts are needed, and helping families to buy and install them.

And none of this could have happened without all of you - our wonderful supporters - a very heartfelt Gracias! 

So once again this holiday season, I’m wondering if you might choose to bypass the usual gifts, and instead give a donation in honour of friends and family, to help the San Antonio project continue.  We have new ¡Feliz Navidad! cards available, saying that a gift given in their name has provided books for the library, (and their names can be put on a bookplate in a book), or helped to feed an anciana; ($25 enables an anciana to come to the lunch program twice a week for a month), or support education and the Learning Centre. Let me know if any of these options appeals to you. (To see what the cards and bookplates look like, check below this blog.)

This January I’m heading off to San Antonio Palopó, along with several of our small band of volunteers and as always at our own expense. We’re stopping en route in Mexico City to buy books for the library (cheaper and more choice than ordering online in Canada), and will be taking part in all the Casita programs. We’ll be updating our blog as we go … keep tuned!

Thanks to all of you for your support - whether financial or otherwise. With your support, we have forever changed the lives of so many in the village of San Antonio Palopó.

With heartfelt gratitude ,
Mary Lynch

PS: We can issue income tax receipts for all donations. If you send a cheque, make it out to Innovative Communities Foundation (put San Antonio Education/Community on the memo line), and send it to Innovative Communities Foundation, 300 – 722 Cormorant St., Victoria, BC, V8W 1P8.

To donate online go to: On our new website, you can donate through Paypal just by clicking the donate button on our San Antonio page. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to donate through Canada Helps, go to the Canada Helps website – — under Donate type in InnovativeCommunities.Org as your charity, and once you get to their page, select Guatemala – San Antonio Education/Community as the specific fund. Either way, donating online will get you a tax receipt you can print.  Remember, every penny you give goes to the project; we are all volunteers and there are no administrative costs.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tired of Giving Socks for Christmas?

This year, you and your family might like to give a gift of reading and education for some Mayan children, or food and support for a frail, elderly woman.

Reading & Education  Life-Changing Gifts
$20 will buy one or more books for the San Antonio Learning Centre Library, and we will print your friend’s name on a bookplate. The children of San Antonio are learning to love reading, and they need more books! Your contribution will also support the general running of the Learning Centre, and the granting of scholarships to bright, poor secondary students. 

Food and Fun for an Anciana
$25 provides a frail elderly woman with a whole month of 2x/week lunches, plus a social time of fun, stories, and exercise. Donations of any amount are welcome.

Your financial help will make a great difference to the lives of people in San Antonio. Your friends will probably prefer this gift to socks, and you will get a tax receipt.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Saturday, November 10th, 10am to 4pm
Ramada Inn
140 TransCanada Highway

Saturday, Nov 17th - 9:30 - 1:00
10990 West Saanich Rd., North Saanich
Saturday and Sunday, Nov 24 and Nov 25 from 10 to 4
Saanich Fairgrounds, 1528 Stellys X Rd

Saturday, Nov 24th - 10 to 4
First Metropolitan Church Hall, 932 Balmoral 

BUY A GORGEOUS HANDWOVEN GUATEMALAN SCARF or MAKE A DONATION AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT instead of exchanging gifts with family, workmates or friends, and make a huge difference in a Mayan family's life. (Stop by to see our beautiful gift cards.)
Thanks to your generous support over the years, most people in the village now have clean burning, fuel efficient stoves that have replaced dangerous open hearth fires, and we will continue to maintain them so they are safe and working well.  With input from parents, teachers and community leaders we established a much-needed Learning Centre and Library for San Antonio's children, who are falling behind and dropping out of school as early as Grade 6.  It has been a huge success. We are also continuing with our lunch program for very poor elderly widows.

Friday, August 3, 2018

English Classes for San Antonio Kids

— from Melina Cortina, the UVic co-op student who has been working in the ’Casita' for the past 3 months

A couple of weeks ago I began teaching English classes to the children from both primary schools in San Antonio Palopó. I teach six one-hour classes – one class per grade and school – through the week. I have around eighty students in total, from ages nine to thirteen. Although some of the children knew a couple of words in English, the great majority did not know more than a few letters from the abecedary, and some of the numbers from one to ten. 

My main focus in the classes is the pronunciation of the letters and the words, and explaining to them the differences between the sounds some letters make in English and in Spanish. I want them to be able to write the words correctly, and also to say them out loud. 
I have found most of the children to be enthusiastic and excited about learning English. They are always asking lots of questions and helping each other out.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Message from Melina

Melina Teaching
My name is Melina Cortina Castro, I am a Sociology student from the University of Victoria. On May 14 I began a three-month co-op work term in La Casita. Since then, I have been helping out with the different programs, such as the reading, spelling, and math lessons for primary school children and the activities and lunches with the elderly women from the community. As of May 22, I began teaching English classes once a week to the young graduates to help them with their job searches. As I am bilingual in English and Spanish I am able to help the students with their pronunciation. We hope that these classes will help them to expand their vocabulary and understanding of the English language, so they can succeed in their job searching and be motivated to continue learning.

Games in the Casita Garden

Monday, June 11, 2018

Volcan Fuego

Hello Everyone, friends and donors,

A week ago  the Volcano "Fuego" erupted outside of Antigua; the worst devastation includes El Rodeo, Alotenango and San Miguel los Lotes, all towns around Antigua. Other towns are still inaccessible due to lava. More Videos:

This volcano has caused considerable damage, and the death count is, last I read, about 200 and probably climbing. 

The Lake Atitlán region is several hours drive from Antigua and was fortunately not affected. Our community of San Antonio Palopó has been most fortunate.  We mourn the loss of life and livelihoods for many Antigua-area residents; we ask that you keep Guatemala in your thoughts.
Warm regards from all the Guatemala team.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

What's up in San Antonio Palopo, Guatemala? An April Update

The Casita, where ICO's education and community programs are held, is a buzzing hive of activity. Yesenia, our lovely young teacher-coordinator, has worked really hard with the teachers in San Antonio's primary and junior high schools, and they are sending more and more of their students for assistance. In March there were 136 students who came for help in math, language and writing, as well as 16 students who came to read, and 568 users who came to do homework, to research, or to use computers, etc. It’s a lot for Yesenia and her part-time helper Lidya, so we’re really happy that Melina Castro, a University of Victoria (BC) sociology student, will be going for three months to San Antonio to do her co-op placement, starting in May. Melina is fluent in Spanish as well as English, and we're excited that she'll be bringing her skills and enthusiasm to San Antonio.

We're excited as well that our wonderful Mayan friends, Candelaria and her husband Gregorio, have started a new program — a weekly workshop for recent high school graduates who are looking for work, to train them in additional skills they will need: computer, a bit of English, writing resumes, where and how to look for work, etc. — something we have long wanted to do, because there’s a crying need for this type of support for young people. 

And, as always, we're so glad to be able to support our lovely group of 25 Ancianas, frail, poor elderly women who come twice a week for a nourishing lunch, along with exercise and art activities. Here they are at Easter, receiving special Easter bread and goodies to take home with them. 

We can only offer these programs because of the loyal support of our donors — ¡Muchas gracias!