Carole Sabiston, the renowned textile artist, is co-hosting — along with the ICO Guatemalan Scarves Team — a Scarf and Weavings Sale in her beautiful Rockland home and garden. We have done sales here before and everyone has loved them, so we are delighted that Carole has generously offered to host one again. This year we are especially excited as we have recently returned from Guatemala and have some new designs and colours, specially chosen for Spring.
Many of you are already familiar with the work we’ve been doing in the Mayan village of San Antonio Palopó. The sale of these lovely scarves, shawls, huipiles, hand bags and hangings — all woven by hand in San Antonio — will help over 30 women weavers to make a living, and, as well, will support our projects.
We're holding the sale the day before Mothers Day, so it is a great opportunity to buy a meaningful Mothers Day gift or a gift for yourself. It is also the first day of the 2-day Annual Garden Tour for the Victoria Conservatory of Music, so you may want to buy a ticket for this wonderful event, and make an outing of it. What better way to enjoy yourselves post election, and contribute in a positive and fun way!
Please join us and pass this on to any interested friends.
SATURDAY, MAY 13th 11 TO 3
1648 ROCKLAND (corner of Terrace) - there is parking on Terrace Avenue, Algoa Place and Patly Place
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